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Reuse non-DITA resources

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Besides DITA topics you can reuse other resources in your DITA project:
  • Reuse images either referenced directly or via a key reference.
  • Reuse other linked resources (like videos, PDFs and so on).

As binary resources are not embedded in the DITA topics, they are naturally reused by being kept in separate files and linked when necessary.

You can reuse images and link to other resources either via direct references or via indirect key references. What to choose may depend on how many times you refer to a certain image or binary resource. If you refer to it only once or twice you can use direct referencing.

If you have problems getting images to appear the same size when published to PDF and XHTML-based outputs you should make sure they do not have the dots-per-inch information saved inside them: https://www.oxygenxml.com/doc/ug-editor/topics/stretched-images-pdf-output.html.